Highlights Phase I

B2 Integrated Assessment of Mobility Systems

Transportation impact assessment

This assessment developed a set of performance indicators for all current major passenger car technologies and for various future technologies. Simulations with these indicators show that greenhouse gas emissions can be reduced by 25-65% depending on different fleet options with assumed shares of various types of cars.

Indicators for technology performance (pdf)

Opportunities and challenges for electric mobility (link)


Energy-economic modeling

Swiss TIMES Energy system Model was developed to analyze interactions between the energy and transport sector in Switzerland long term. Car fleet scenarios with different shares of drivetrain technologies (internal combustion engine, hybrid, battery electric and fuel cells) are evaluated with respect to their greenhouse gas emissions.

Topic description (pdf)

EEM laboratory and SCCER Mobility (link)


Map of Swiss potential for transformation of mobility

This comprehensive report recommends strategies to support the transformation of the Swiss mobility system towards reaching an energy transition. In this context, it outlines possible technology options and analyzes main trends that characterize the current and might shape future mobility in Switzerland.

Full report (pdf)

Working paper (pdf)



overview A1 A2 A3 B1 MAS vision

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