SCCER Mobility

Pathways to a net zero CO2 Swiss mobility system, SCCER Mobility White Paper, 2021

Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research - Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility (2020), SCCER Mobility Synthesis Book

Important topics for transport research in Switzerland post 2020 (2019), SCCER Mobility Mission Report

Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research - Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility (2018), SCCER Mobility flyer

Auf dem Weg zu einem energie-effizienten und klimafreundlichen Schweizer Mobilitätssystem (2017), SCCER Mobility White Paper

Towards an Energy Efficient and Climate Compatible Future Swiss Transportation System (2017), SCCER Mobility Working Paper


Capacity Areas

Umweltauswirkungen von Personenwagen: heute und morgen (2020), Capacity Area B2, Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis (Paul Scherrer Institut PSI), EnergieSchweiz, Fact Sheet Update

The environmental burdens of passenger cars: today and tomorrow (2018), Capacity Area B2, Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis (Paul Scherrer Institut PSI), EnergieSchweiz, Fact Sheet and Background Report


Learning Lab - Future Transport Systems

The Key Performance Indicators of the Swiss Mobility System - A systemic approach to research activities within the SCCER Mobility network (2020), KPI Project Report


Joint Activities

Perspectives of Power-to-X technologies in Switzerland (2019), Joint Activity White Paper on the Perspectives of Power-to-Product (P2X) Technology in Switzerland, P2X White Paper and Supplementary Report 



Decarbonisation of transport: options and challenges (2019), European Academies' Science Advisory Council (with contributions from SCCER Mobility members), EASAC Report

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