Centralize, decentralize or coordinate?

  • 2/21/19 10:21 AM
  • Kirsten Oswald

Swiss energy governance between the federal government, cantons and municipalities

In Switzerland, regulatory powers in the field of energy policy are divided between the federal government, the cantons and the municipalities. An adequate division of tasks between these governance levels can support the transition to a more sustainable energy system. In the seventh SCCER CREST White Paper, researchers investigated in how far the Swiss multi-level system already fulfils this requirement for key issues in electricity, mobility and heat policy, and where room for improvement exists.

Research results show that numerous energy policy issues require enhanced coordination between the federal level, cantons and municipalities. Coordination platforms could help to develop more systematic strategies and resolve conflicting objectives between and within the levels of governance.

In addition, the federal government should strengthen its leading role towards reaching energy and climate goals. The cantons should harmonize their legal framework more consequently. Finally, municipalities should be systematically involved when they implement measures or when there are local reservations.

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