Online Workshop SCCER Moblility - Composites United Switzerland

  • 9/22/20 9:00 AM
  • Kirsten Oswald

22 September 2020, zoom

Within SCCER Mobility, Capacity Area A3 investigates technologies and strategies to minimize non-propulsive energy demand of vehicles for improved efficiency. This includes the reduction of vehicle mass by replacing conventional materials such as aluminum or steel with lighter ones. To achieve this, new processing routes for high volume production of lightweight thermoplastic and bioinspired composites with outstanding mechanical properties are being developed. In addition, Capacity Area A3 elaborates a modeling framework to assess the actual energy demand of conventional and alternatively propelled vehicles.

This workshop will be held as an online event. In the first part (1 hour) the research groups will present the outcome of their SCCER projects with a focus on possibilities for industrial implementation and ideas for follow-up projects with industry partners. In the second part (1 to 1.5 hours) each research group will host a world café breakout session to discuss the ideas with the industry participants.

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